Genres of Photography I enjoy......
Woodland is a difficult genre but one I am starting to enjoy, here are some of the woodland scenes I have captured

Lee Pelling
Hi and welcome to my website, I have been taking images for as long as I can remember. I started with a film camera my parents brought for me as a birthday present, a Practica Spotmatic II in the traditional silver and black. Learning photography yourself back then was difficult, long before the days of the internet and therefore no Youtube and no lcd screen to instantly see your results. Needless to say I struggled to learn the technical side of photography and so found myself giving it up. Then a few years later enter the world of digital and the internet and learning was so much easier.
My first digital camera was a Canon 400D , i was so proud of that camera it opened the door to photography again for me and made learning so much easier and more fun with instant feedback on the screen and the ability to process the images yourself at home. I then had a couple of upgrades from that to a Canon 7D to a Canon 5D mkIII to my current Canon Eos R mirrorless camera, another innovation in the photography world.
As you can see I enjoy a wide range of photography genres from Landscape, Cityscape, Seascape, Woodland and even some Portrait photography. I have also started to learn how to use the video function of my little Canon M50 to make Youtube content about Photography on my YouTube Channel , i hope you will take a look and maybe even subscribe.
If you have any enquiries then please use the Contact Me form below and I will be in touch as soon as possible. Thanks for looking and hope to chat with you soon over on the YouTube Channel